
Website terms and conditions of use


1. Electronic Communications

1.1. When a user visits Taquanta’s website, such user consents to receiving communications from Taquanta electronically and agrees that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications sent by Taquanta satisfy any legal requirements including, but not limited to, the requirement that such communications should be in writing.
1.2. Please note all streaming foreign exchange quotes on the Home page are delayed by 1 hour.

2. Copyright

2.1. Copyright 2024 reserved to Taquanta. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
2.2. Users may download, view and print content of this site for private and non-commercial purposes only.
2.3. Taquanta cannot screen or edit all the content available from the Taquanta site and does not accept any liability for any illegal, defamatory or obscene content. Users are encouraged to inform Taquanta of any content that may be offensive or illegal.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1. All the content, trade marks and data on this website, including but not limited to, software, databases, text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, private information, designs and agreements, are the property of or legally licensed to or legally accessed by Taquanta and as such are protected from infringement by local and international legislation and treaties.

4. Hyperlinks

4.1. No person, business or website may link to any page on this site without the prior written permission of Taquanta.
4.2. Hyperlinks provided on this site to non-Taquanta sites are provided as is and Taquanta does not necessarily agree with, edit or support the content on such web pages.

5. Information on this site

The information on this website is not advice and Taquanta, its Directors, employees and/or its associates, do not give any warranty, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, correctness or suitability of the information provided and disclaim all liability for any loss or expense, however caused, arising from any use of or reliance upon the information, links or service provided through this website.

6. Taquanta only renders financial services with clients by means of formal communication channels and does not sell or advertise any investment opportunities via social media channels such as WhatsApp or Facebook etc. Please be cautious of individuals who may fraudulently attempt to solicit business or investments by impersonating or claiming to be an associate or representative of Taquanta. If you are unsure about whether an individual is authorised to render financial services for Taquanta or not, please contact us on 021 6815100 or crm [at] taquanta [dot] com to verify the identity of the individual concerned.

7. Taquanta Asset Managers (Pty) Ltd (“Taquanta”) is a licensed Category I, Category II and Category IIA Financial Services Provider in terms of section 8 of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37, 2002 (licence number 618). Accordingly, Taquanta is authorised to provide advisory and/or render discretionary intermediary services. There are certain risks associated with investments in financial products, including market, credit & currency risks. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance. All returns are rand returns, unless otherwise stated.

8. Cookies

This website may make use of cookie and tracking technology, whereby information that you send whilst on the website is saved on your hard drive and this website will know who you are when you next visit. This technology is useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, for tracking the number of visitors to a website and understanding how visitors use the website. Personal information cannot be collected via cookie technology.

9. Limitation of Liability 

The information provided herein is provided by Taquanta as general information. Taquanta does not act in any way as a financial advisor and does not hold itself out to be such. Investors are encouraged to obtain independent professional investment advice before investing in any of Taquanta’s products. Please note that merits of any investment should be carefully considered together with the investor’s specific risk profile and investment objectives. Taquanta does not guarantee the suitability or potential value of any information or particular investment source. Information contained herein is not intended nor does it constitute financial, tax, legal, investment, or other advice. Before making any decision or taking any action regarding your finances, you should consult a qualified Financial Adviser. In the absence of a full needs analysis in respect of a particular investor, the investor understands that there may be limitations on the appropriateness of any information in this website with regard to the investor’s unique objectives, financial situation and particular needs.  

The use of this website and the online services is entirely at your own risk. You assume full responsibility for the risk or loss resulting from your use of this site and your reliance on the material and information contained on it.   

By use of this website, you hereby Indemnify Taquanta and its affiliates, shareholders, its respective directors, agents, consultants or employees shall not be responsible and disclaims all loss, liability or expenses of any nature whatsoever which may be attributable directly, indirectly or consequentially to the use of the information provided and relation to your use of this website or the online services or the information contained on this website or your inability to use this website or the online services. This includes, without limitation, any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, whether arising out of contract, statute, and delict or otherwise and regardless of whether we were expressly advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. The content of the website is provided without any express or implied warranty of any kind whatsoever. In particular, Taquanta does not warrant that it is appropriate or suitable for any particular purpose, that it is complete or accurate, or that it or any hardware on which it is stored is virus-free.  

Without derogating from the generality of the above, we will not be liable for: Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of the site or online services, our system, databases or any of its components, for whatever reason; Any loss or damage arising from your orders, investment decisions, purchases or disposal of goods and services, including financial instrument(s) or currency, from third parties, based on the information provided on this site; Any loss or damage with regard to customer data or other data directly or indirectly caused by malfunction of Taquanta’s system, third party systems, power failures, unlawful access to or theft of data, computer viruses or destructive code on our system or third party systems; programming defects and negligence on our part; Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of goods or services provided by third parties, including, without limitation, third party systems such as the public switched telecommunication service providers, internet service providers, electricity suppliers. Any event over which we have no direct control.

10. Complaints

Please refer to the below documentation:

Complaints Handling Policy 

PAIA Manual 

TCF Policy 

TIH Data Privacy Statement 

11. Taquanta FAIS Disclosures

Please refer to the below documentation:

Taquanta FAIS Discolsures